Cannot Cancel Vmware Tools Install Debian


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New job, new company and docker hype is growing like mad. Developers here have pushed docker into production projects, were stuck with it. On the bright side, the run command finally works, we can start, stop and see containers. It is functional. We have 1. 2 dockerized applications running in production as we write this article, spread over 3. AWS 1 docker app per host note keep reading to know why. The following article narrates our journey with Docker, an adventure full of dangers and unexpected turns. Production Issues with Docker. Docker Issue Breaking changes and regressions. We ran all these versions or tried to 1. Each new version came with breaking changes. We started on docker 1. We updated 3 months later because we needed a fix only available in later versions. The 1. 6 branch was already abandoned. The versions 1. 7 and 1. Lady Gaga The Fame Monster Deluxe Edition Pirate Bay Se. We moved to the 1. There are all kind of subtle regressions between Docker versions. Its constantly breaking unpredictable stuff in unexpected ways. The most tricky regressions we had to debug were network related. Docker is entirely abstracting the host networking. Its a big mess of port redirection, DNS tricks and virtual networks. Bonus Docker was removed from the official Debian repository last year, then the package got renamed from docker. Documentation and resources predating this change are obsolete. Docker Issue Cant clean old images. The most requested and most lacking feature in Docker is a command to clean older images older than X days or not used for X days, whatever. Space is a critical issue given that images are renewed frequently and they may take more than 1. GB each. The only way to clean space is to run this hack, preferably in cron every day docker images q a xargs no run if empty docker rmi. It enumerates all images and remove them. The ones currently in use by running containers cannot be removed it gives an error. It is dirty but it gets the job done. The docker journey begins with a clean up script. It is an initiation rite every organization has to go through. Many attempts can be found on the internet, none of which works well. There is no API to list images with dates, sometimes there are but they are deprecated within 6 months. One common strategy is to read date attribute from image files and call docker rmi but it fails when the naming changes. Another strategy is to read date attributes and delete files directly but it causes corruption if not done perfectly, and it cannot be done perfectly except by Docker itself. Docker Issue Kernel support or lack thereofThere are endless issues related to the interactions between the kernel, the distribution, docker and the filesystem. We are using Debian stable with backports, in production. We started running on Debian Jessie 3. November 2. 01. 5. This one suffers from a major critical bug that crashes hosts erratically every few hours in average. Linux 3. x Unstable storage drivers. Docker has various storage drivers. The only one allegedly wildly supported is AUFS. The AUFS driver is unstable. It suffers from critical bugs provoking kernel panics and corrupting data. Its broken on at least all linux 3. There is no cure. We follow Debian and kernel updates very closely. Debian published special patches outside the regular cycle. There was one major bugfix to AUFS around March 2. We thought it was THE TRUE ONE FIX but it turned out that it wasnt. The kernel panics happened less frequently afterwards every week, instead of every day but they were still loud and present. Once during this summer there was a regression among a major update, that brought back a previous critical issue. It started killing CI servers one by one, with 2 hours in average between murders. An emergency patch was quickly released to fix the regression. There were multiple fixes to AUFS published along the year 2. Some critical issues were fixed but there are many more still left. AUFS is unstable on at least all linux 3. Debian stable is stuck on kernel 3. Its unstable. There is nothing to do about it except switching to Debian testing which can use the kernel 4. Ubuntu LTS is running kernel 3. There is no guarantee that this latest update fixes the issue. Changing our main OS would be a major disruption but we were so desperate that we considered it for a while. RHELCent. OS 6 is on kernel 2. RHELCento. S 7 is on kernel 3. Red. Hat. Linux 4. The kernel officially dropped docker support. It is well known that AUFS has endless issues and its regarded as dead weight by the developers. As a long standing goal, the AUFS filesystem was finally dropped in kernel version 4. Roller Coaster 3 1.3 Patch. There is no unofficial patch to support it, there is no optional module, there is no backport whatsoever, nothing. AUFS is entirely gone. How does docker work without AUFS then Well, it doesnt. So, the docker guys wrote a new filesystem, called overlay. Overlay. FS is a modern union filesystem that is similar to AUFS. In comparison to AUFS, Overlay. FS has a simpler design, has been in the mainline Linux kernel since version 3. Docker Overlay. FS driver. Note that its not backported to existing distributions. Docker never cared about backward compatibility. Update after comments Overlay is the name of both the kernel module to support it developed by linux maintainers and the docker storage driver to use it part of docker, developed by docker. They are two different components with a possible overlap of history and developers. The issues seem mostly related to the docker storage driver, not the filesystem itself. The debacle of Overlay. A filesystem driver is a complex piece of software and it requires a very high level of reliability. The long time readers will remember the Linux migration from ext. It took time to write, more time to debug and an eternity to be shipped as the default filesystem in popular distributions. Making a new filesystem in 1 year is an impossible mission. Its actually laughable when considering that the task is assigned to Docker, they have a track record of unstability and disastrous breaking changes, exactly what we dont want in a filesystem. Long story short. That did not go well. You can still find horror stories with Google. Overlay development was abandoned within 1 year of its initial release. Then comes Overlay. The overlay. 2 driver addresses overlay limitations, but is only compatible with Linux kernel 4. Overlay vs Overlay. Making a new filesystem in 1 year is still an impossible mission. Docker just tried and failed. Yet theyre trying again Well see how it turns out in a few years. Right now its not supported on any systems we run. We cant use it, we cant even test it. Lesson learnt As you can see with Overlay then Overlay. No backport. No patch. No retro compatibility. Docker only moves forward and breaks things. If you want to adopt Docker, youll have to move forward as well, following the releases from docker, the kernel, the distribution, the filesystems and some dependencies. Bonus The worldwide docker outage.