Checkpoint Serial Number Splat


Checkpoint Serial Number Splat ComputerThe Yoko Factor WikipediaThe Yoko Factor is the 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Plot synopsiseditColonel Mc. Namara talks with a superior about plans for the Initiative, about getting Riley back under his command and about dealing with Buffy. LittleBigPlanet is a video game series created by Media Molecule originally for the PlayStation 3, and supposed to be one of its killer apps. Its based on. The Ironic Nursery Tune trope as used in popular culture. For added atmosphere, play the music from this track while reading on. A Nursery Rhyme used to. Desde los orgenes, la humanidad ha tenido que hacer frente a una cuestin fundamental la forma de preservar y transmitir su cultura, es decir, sus creencias y. This article possibly contains original research. Besame Mucho Midi there. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. Statements consisting only of original. Spike tells Adam that Buffy is going to be a difficult challenge to defeat and he shouldnt underestimate her. Spike talks about having already killed two Slayers Xin Rong and Nikki Wood, yet having been unable to kill Buffy, especially because of the Initiative chip now in his head. The two plan to separate Buffy from her Slayerette friends. Still upset about what happened between her and Angel during her visit to Los Angeles in the Angelcrossover episode Sanctuary, Buffy returns from L. A. to her empty dorm room. Xander brings Riley some clothes, and they talk about their mutual distaste for Angel, Riley having been told by Buffy about her previous relationship with him. Checkpoint Serial Number SplatterHowever, it emerges that she has not told him the whole truth while Riley was aware that Angel lost his soul and became Angelus, Xander tells Riley that having sex with Buffy was the trigger that set Angelus free. Giles is at home singing and playing guitar when Spike surprises him by walking right in. Spike talks with Giles about files inside the Initiative that he might be able to get for a very large price. Spike tells Giles that Buffy doesnt respect her former Watcher anymore, which upsets Giles. S2_demo_Splat_Dualies_select.png' alt='Checkpoint Serial Number Splat Games' title='Checkpoint Serial Number Splat Games' />Willow and Tara play with their new kitten, Miss Kitty Fantastico, while planning their class schedule for next year. They also talk about future housing plans, but Willow hasnt talked with Buffy yet and isnt sure what she wants to do now that things have changed so much. Riley visits Buffy using a radio, hes tapped into the Initiative and is aware of their actions. She mentions that Angel upset her, but she is focusing on seeking Adam, and Riley leaves. Xander and Anya bring Spike fatigues to wear and a gun. Spike cant believe his luck that he would be given a weapon and points it at Xander intending to shoot, only for the chip to go off in his head. Turns out the chip doesnt allow Spike to point weapons at people. Spike makes Xander feel unwanted by convincing him that the rest of the gang doesnt feel hes useful. Buffy goes patrolling and runs into Forrest, who is also looking for Adam. They argue as they go into a cave and find Adam, who launches a surprise attack. Buffy and Adam exchange a few punches and kicks Forrest tries to step in and help, but he is pushed away by Buffy. Adam hurls the Slayer against the cave wall, and Forrest uses the opening to shoot Adam with his stun rifle. Instead of harming him, however, the voltage merely seems to refresh Adam, who then disarms and fatally stabs Forrest with his bone skewer. Her will to fight gone, Buffy flees from the cave, with Adam taking pot shots at her. Running for her life, Buffy trips and tumbles down the side of a hill she strikes her head on a rock, knocking her unconscious. Meanwhile, pretending to have sneaked into the Initiative and retrieved some disks with information, Spike charges into Giless place. Giles continues to get drunk while Willow tries to decrypt the disks. Spike talks to Willow and Tara about their Wicca interest and how her friends dont seem to support it. Willow thinks he means that their friends arent accepting their romantic relationship. Riley hears of trouble on the streets through his radio. He finds Angel fighting the commandos, and Riley refuses to let Angel go see Buffy. The two have a brutal fight, of which Angel is clearly the victor. Both run off when a military truck arrives. Buffy returns to her dorm room and Angel shows up. As Angel speaks with Buffy, Riley barges in and raises a gun to Angel. Angel taunts Riley and the two come to blows again. Buffy separates them and wants to talk to Angel alone. Buffy scolds Angel, yet they laugh when Angel confesses he came to make up. Buffy also apologizes for being bossy. The two part on friendly terms, although Angel stops to state that he doesnt like Riley. Spike reports back to Adam, happy to have split up the Scooby Gang. Riley is worried that Buffy has reunited with Angel and confesses he has learned how Angel can become Angelus. They profess their love to each other, but Buffy must give him the bad news that Forrest is dead. Riley is distraught and leaves. The damage that Spike has done to the gang becomes clear when their meeting at Giless home turns into a fight. While Tara and Anya hide in the bathroom, Buffy scolds Xander for telling Riley details about her and Angels relationship and argues that she is going to take on Adam alone. Giles is drunk and makes funny comments in the background. Xander complains that his friends dont need him and Willow complains that Buffy doesnt accept Tara, revealing their relationship, for the first time, to Xander and Giles. While Giles goes to sleep the alcohol off, Buffy leaves, telling her friends that she doesnt need them as she has someone else she can depend on. Riley has gone to Adams lair. ProductioneditCultural referenceseditSpike explains to Adam and provides the explanation for the episode title when he calls his strategy the Yoko Factor. Dont tell me youve never heard of the Beatles Adam replies, I have. I like Helter Skelter. Spike says, What a surprise. The point is, they were once a real powerful group. Its not a stretch to say they ruled the world. And when they broke up everyone blamed Yoko, but the fact is the group split itself apart she just happened to be there. And you know how it is with kids. They go off to college, they grow apart. Way of the world. Motivational speaker. Tony Robbins Spike tells Adam, Youre like Tony Robbins. If he was a big scary Frankenstein looking Youre exactly like Tony Robbins. Xander says of Buffy, L. A. Woman Havent heard from her. Shell probably come here first thing, though. This is a reference to the song L. A. Woman. Buffy says to Riley Deconstructing Angel can wait, a reference to Woody Allens 1. Deconstructing Harry. Buffy says to Forrest, about the Initiative, What kind of family are you, the Corleones, a reference to The Godfather. The Wizard of Oz Willow says testily to Spike, I am a whiz. Tara agrees, She is a whiz. Willow says, If ever a whiz there was. Batman Xander says, Ill stay behind and putt around the Batcave with crusty old Alfred here. Critical receptioneditA commenter for Critically Touched Reviews praised the successful payoff weve been waiting for all season, an extremely well acted and potent argument scene at the end, and great characterization he describes some scenes as Very funny and well written and simply wonderful. Noel Murray of The A. V. Club, whose Community Grade gave the episode an A, wrote, The first fifteen minutes of The Yoko Factor is like the Inglourious Basterds of Buffy episodes, offering six long, winding, evenly paced conversations, punctuated by a quiet interlude and a kitschy but oddly moving musical number. The episode is always at its strongest when people are just talking to each other, either because theyre enjoying each others company or trying to figure out each other out sic. Its nice, for example, that.