Directional Wifi Antenna Amazon


Over on our store weve recently released our new receive only dipole antenna kit which now replaces the older magnetic whip style antennas from the previous kit. This was done for a few reasons including 1 We believe that the dipole kit is much more versatile and will enable beginners to get better reception right of the bat, 2 magnets of any type are no longer welcome on most airmail parcel carriers though they still get through for now. While the magnetic whip still works perfectly fine, the dipole kit should make it easier to get the antenna outside, and it also allows for a simple v dipole configuration for satellite reception. I/61t-UEzyflL._SY587_.jpg' alt='Directional Wifi Antenna Amazon' title='Directional Wifi Antenna Amazon' />Directional Wifi Antenna AmazonThe units are currently in stock at our Chinese warehouse either bundled with an RTL SDR or as an individual antenna set. The individual antenna set only has a small quantity at the moment, so get in quick if you want them as theyre only 9. USD shipped. We expect more stock to be ready in 1 2 months. Amazon USA should also be stocked with these units in about 2 weeks from this post date. I/517Tmk-x4HL._SY355_.jpg' alt='Directional Wifi Antenna Amazon' title='Directional Wifi Antenna Amazon' />ALSO, please note that there is a large Chinese holiday between 1 7 October, and during this time parcels will not ship out. This post is a guide on how to use the dipole antenna set in various configurations. First well show and explain about whats included in the set 1x dipole antenna base with 6. RG1. 74 cable and SMA Male connector. This is the dipole base where the telescopic antennas connect to. Unboxing and impressions of the TurnRaise 150Mbps 802. Long Range Booster Wifi Antenna. Get it on Amazon HERE http If you need driver. I will show you how to make a simple wifi receiver extender made from household items. I had problems getting a good wifi signal in our house so I thought of this. The short run of RG1. This helps to prevent the feed line from interfering with the dipole radiation pattern. On the inside of the base the two dipole element sides are connected with a 1. Ohm resistor to help bleed off any static. The dipole has a 14 inch female screw on the bottom, which allows you to use standard camera mount products for mounting. RG1. 74 coax cable extension. What kind of outdoor TV antenna do I need If youre entering the brave new world of life without cable, you want a TV antenna thats going to deliver a crisp. One of the most popular variations of this practice is known as the Pringles can antenna, or cantenna for short, which utilizes both a waveguide probe design. Here is the link for the TPLink WR841N at Amazon http TPLink WR841ND with detachable antennas at Amazon http It. Amazon. com BearExtender PC v3 USB WiFi Booster and Range Extender for Microsoft Windows Computers Accessories. USA. com provides easy to find states, metro areas, counties, cities, zip codes, and area codes information, including population, races, income, housing, school. You probably think you know how to keep your internet habits secret. Bank Hacking Tools there. Clearing browser history is too obvious, you say. I just do all my sketchy stuff in an. The voice interfaces Cortana and Alexa will soon be able to activate each other for functions that one does better than the other, Amazon and Microsoft announced today. ESPIxelStick is an E1. ACN WiFi pixel controller built around the ESP8266 WiFi module. Firmware is Open Source and built with ESP8266 Arduino. This coax cable extension allows you to place the antennas in a place that gets better reception. E. g. outside on a window, or higher up. The telescopic dipoles are detachable from the dipole base via a M5 thread which allows for greater portability and the ability to swap them out. These long telescopic antennas cover VHF and to UHF. These smaller antennas cover UHF to 1. MHz ADS B, and even still work decently up to L band 1. GHz frequencies. 1x flexible Tripod mount with 14 male screw. This mount allows you to mount the dipole on a variety of different locations. E. g. a pole, tree branch, desk, door, window sill. The legs of the tripod are bendy and rubberized so can wrap securely around many objects. With this mount you can mount the dipole on the outside of a window, on a wall, car roofwindow, or on any other smooth surface. To use first clean the surface with window cleaner or isopropyl alochol. Then place the suction cup on the cleaned surface and close the lever to activate the suction. Whats included in the new Dipole kit. Dipole Orientation. Signals are normally transmitted with either horizontal, vertical or right handleft hand circular polarization RHCPLHCP. This is essentially the orientation of a signal, and an antenna with the same polarization should be used too for best performance. A dipole can be used in either vertical or horizontal polarization, just by orienting it either vertically or horizontally. If you mismatch vertical and horizontal polarization or RHCP and LHCP youll get an instant 2. B loss. If you mismatch verticalRHCP, verticalLHCP, horizontalRHCP, horizontalLHCP youll only get a 3d. B loss. There are also ways to optimize the radiation pattern with dipoles. For example for LEO VHF satellites you can use a V dipole configuration. You can also make a somewhat directional antenna by using a bent dipole configuration. Some more examples of dipole configurations can be found on KK4. OBIs page on bent dipoles. Terrestrial Signal Reception. Most signals broadcast terrestrially on Earth are vertically polarized. To use the dipole for vertically polarized signals, all that you need to do is orient the elements vertically up and down. Satellite Reception. The dipole can be used in a V Dipole configuration for polar orbiting satellite reception. See Adam 9. A4. QVs post where he wrote about how he discovered that it was possible to use dipoles in this configuration for excellent satellite reception. The idea is to use the dipole in horizontal polarization. This gives 3d. B loss on the RHCP satellite signals, but also nicely gives 2. B loss on terrestrial signals which could be overloading your RTL SDR. For 1. 37 MHz satellites like NOAA and Meteor M2 extend the larger antenna elements out to about 5. Angle the dipole so it is horizontal and in a Vee shape, at about 1. Place the dipole in the North Source direction. With an appropriate L band LNA like the Outernet LNA the dipole can also somewhat work to receive L band satellites. Using the smallest antenna collapsed, use a V dipole configuration and point it towards the L band satellite. Ideally use a reflector too. In the image below we used a simple cookie tin as a reflector. A hole was drilled into the center and the mount used to clamp in the antenna. This together with the Outernet LNA was enough to receive AERO and STD C. Choosing the Antenna Element Length. Like with the whip you can use an online calculator to calculate the optimal length for your frequency of interest. We recommend this dipole calculator. The exact length does not matter too much, but try to get the lengths as close to what the calculator says as you can. With the dipole you want both elements to be the same length. In reality extending the antenna to almost any random length will work just fine for most strong signals. But if youre really trying to optimize those weak signals youll want to fine tune the lengths. Basically the longer the antenna, the lower its resonant frequency. The shorter the antenna, the higher the resonant frequency. You want to be close to the resonant frequency. Remember that there is about 2cm of metal inside the antenna itself which needs to be added on. Below is a cheat sheet for various lengths and frequencies. Note that the length refers to the length of one side only. Large Antenna, 5 Sections, 1. MHz. Large Antenna, 4 Sections, 8. MHz. Large Antenna, 3 Sections, 6. MHz. Large Antenna, 2 Sections, 4. MHz. Large Antenna, 1 Section, 2. MHz. Small Antenna, 4 Sections, 1. MHz. Small Antenna, 3 Sections, 1. MHz. Small Antenna, 2 Sections, 8cm 2cm is resonant 7. MHz. Small Antenna, 1 Section, 5cm 2cm is resonant 1. MHz. See the SWR plots at the end for a more accurate reading of the resonance points. But in most cases no matter what you extend the length to the SWR should be below 5 at most frequencies which results in 2. B loss or less. More accurate info on VSWR loss graphs can be found in this document from the ARRL Understanding SWR by Example pdf. Using the Mounts. The mounts and RG1. But please note that like our older magnetic whip we do not recommend permanently mounting this antenna outdoors. This antenna is designed to be a portable antenna that you put up and take down at the end of the day not for permanent outdoor mounting. It is not protected against water, not grounded so cannot handle a lightning strike and could be damaged with dirt and grime build up. For permanent mounting you could conceivably fill the inside and hinges of the dipole with silicon putty or maybe even hot glue and ground the antenna yourself, but we have not tested this.