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Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Release 6. Whats New. Revision History. This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates are logged below, with the most recent updates at the top. I need to call a. A. sql from a Unix Shell Script amp save the output in a text file in the format AABBOct2010RR. The. CMake is an opensource, crossplatform family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using. Is Subversion proprietary software No, Subversion is open source free software. Several companies CollabNet, WANdisco, VisualSVN, elego. Abbreviation acronyms Term Definition b bit The number of bits used to represent a character. For personal computers a byte is usually 8. FILExt. com is the file extension source. Here youll find a collection of file extensions many linked to the programs that created the files. This is the FILExt home. Do you know a good Windows software to compare PDF files sidebyside and show the modifications between the two It would be great if you can post both free and not. BestPractice Document Data Management Guide for SAP Business Suite management. Date. Whats Changed. Notes. 03 APR 2. 01. Initial Document Creation. Overview. This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle Transportation Global Trade Management Cloud Release 6. Scm Solution Best Binary Files' title='Scm Solution Best Binary Files' />1MB Measured Business line POTS. XP oneX Portal. An Avaya Application 2 hour response time Avaya zipcode list showing zipcodes that are within 2 hour respon. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you. Give Us Feedback. We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at otm docusoracle. Adobe Offline Activation Response Code 401. Please indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the Oracle Transportation Global Trade Management Whats New in Release 6. Release Feature Summary. Some of the new Release 6. Oracle. The table below offers a quick view of the actions required to enable each of the Release 6. Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management. This section of the Whats New captures the transportation and trade improvements that benefit both Oracle Transportation Management OTM and Global Trade Management GTM. User Interface Refresh. Look and Feel. This feature provides you with a complete UI look and feel update that includes changes to almost every aspect of the user experience including updates to screen colors, font sizes, button color, icons and menus. Some of the improvements provided as part of this feature include Updated look and feel of OTMGTM using a new theme themesalta. The new theme changes the following colors, font, size, and contrastvarious icons have been redesigned and modernized including Smart. Link. Edit. Delete. View. Search. Calendar. Volume. The f, n, l, v icons have been replaced by more intuitive Search, New, and View icons Search icon has replaced the f and l buttons. If the field is populated and you click the magnifying glass to run a search, a begins with search is run and the finder results are presented. Latest Patch For Half-Life 2 Deathmatch. If you click search for an empty field, the finder criteria screen is presented allowing you to run an empty search, or to populate criteria and then run your search. New icon has replaced the n icon. View icon has replaced the v icon. Steps to Enable There are no steps necessary to enable this feature. Key Resources See the OTM Branding Guide for details related to the new theme changes. See the Basic Data Entry for Refreshed User Interface help topic for more details. Logistics Home Page. This feature provides a Logistics home page that has undergone a complete refresh. The new look includes a Springboard main menu and the Unified Global Header. The redesigned home page provides you with a clean, intuitive and more modern starting point for navigating through OTMGTM. Steps to Enable There are no steps necessary to enable this feature. Unified Global Header. This feature provides you with a Unified Header that provides access to a set of core capabilities no matter where you are in the system. The Unified Header provides access to the following capabilities Steps to Enable There are no steps necessary to enable this feature. Tips and Considerations In the message center to control how often the number of new messages is refreshed, you can set the glog. Center. refresh property which sets the refresh rate of the Message Center in seconds. Menu Management. This feature provides two types of menu access the Springboard and the Navigator. The Springboard provides access to a sub set of the menu groups and links that you need quick and direct access to. Program Do Naprawy Windows 7 here. The Navigator provides comprehensive access to all of your menu groups and links. Steps to Enable There are no steps necessary to enable this feature. Tips and Considerations For a single user, both the Springboard and the Navigator show the menus assigned to that user via user access. The Springboard and the Navigator cannot display different menus however you can select which menu groups and links are displayed on the Springboard. Menu Springboard. This feature provides a new icon based Springboard view that allows you to navigate quickly to and from those areas of the system that you use most often. By default, the Springboard displays all the components available in the system and adheres to the default multi level menu structure provided in the system. The real benefit provided by the Springboard is the ability to configure the navigation options on the Springboard to allow you to go directly to the menu groups and links that you use most often. The Springboard is ideally suited for Providing you with visibility to your most frequently used areas of the system in one home view. Allowing you to go directly to the functionality required for completing a task and then return you directly to the home view without having to navigate through a multi level menu structure. The following options were added to the Menu Editor to support Springboard setupconfiguration The Show on Springboard option on the menu editor page allows you to make a group or link visible or hidden on the Springboard. The PUBLIC menus now include a variety of standard icons for menu groups and items. You can change these icons by selecting from one of the available Image IDs in the Menu editor. The icon only displays if the Show on Springboard option is selected. To preview a new icon in the menu editor, right click on the menu item and select View Details. All menu items with the Show on Springboard option selected appear in the Menu editor with a yellow star on the folder. When migrating from a custom menu, you will see only two types of icons an orange folder icon for groups and a blue document icon for menu links. To take advantage of the available icons that ship with OTM, you can create new menus based on the updated PUBLIC menus. To open a Springboard item in a new tab or window, right click on the lowest level menu item for example, Buy Shipments and select Open in new window. Depending on your browser settings, the page will either open in the new tab or a new window. This option is not available for some menu items. For those menu items you will see the message New window not supported. Springboard. Steps to Enable. No steps are required to enable the Springboard,the Springboard is on by default. There are, however, several steps below required for configuring the Springboard so that it provides the desired benefits for the user. From within the Menu Editor, you can configure the groups, links and icons that will appear in the Springboard when you createadd a new group or link to your menu. When creating a new menu element group or link, you can make the group or link visible on the Springboard by checkingthe Show on Springboard option the default is for the new menu element to be visible on the Springboard. Tohide the element from the Springboard, deselect the Show on Springboard option. Springboard icon ordering and positioning The order of the icons shown on the Springboard is determined by the order in which the visible groups or links appear in the menu. The first group or link that is visible in the menu will occupy the upper left position in the Springboard the next visible object will occupy the position to the right of the first.